How to Tackle with Capacity Bottlenecks at Ocean Freight Strategies for Congestion

How to tackle with capacity bottlenecks at ocean freight? Here are some ocean freight strategies for congestion.

ocean freight strategies

Boom in US Imports from Asia

In comparison to 2019, there was a greater than 10% increase in American import demand at the start of 2021. It’s almost an understatement to call this a rise. This is severe demand growth, the outcome of consumers replacing things with events as a result of the pandemic – enough to put a burden on transport infrastructure in any case. Furthermore, much of the demand is for large stuff such as home furnishings and appliances, which adds to the impact.

The US import surge has resulted in such severe congestion at ports that the remainder of the market is a mess. The capacity shortage caused by scheduling delays will last until port congestion in Asia and North America eases. That will probably not happen before the end of the year.

Strategies to Tackle with Congestion

  • You can book up to 2 months more ahead of time for freight delivery in these heavy times.
  • Be sure your logistics provider has warehouse services and work with inventory.
  • To improve your chances of arriving on schedule, plan fewer amounts each shipment.
  • Make sure your cargo is ready on time and that you follow through with your shipping order.
  • Prioritize speed by investing in top services, even if they are more costly.
  • Examine alternative routes that avoid overcrowded ports.